Monday 23 March 2020

The Biggest Curve Ball of all...

Coronavirus or Corvid 19, whatever you want to call it is a pain in the proverbial.

It really is the biggest curve ball chucked at us for some time. It is affecting ALL of us whether we like it or not. 

I'm really hoping that people start having some sense and know this is not a rehearsal, this is not a disaster movie, this is REAL.

Sorry to keep shouting at you. 

Don't go out, don't meet up with friends, don't wreck ambulances or steal hand santiser.

Do wash your hands. Do use a tissue when you sneeze and bin it. No Tissue? Use your elbow.

Oh and while I'm totally p****d off with people - after all the work I did publicising saving the Rollright Stones and the King Stone, and offering to use my latest book as a way of helping the site. The Rollright Trust didn't even contact me to say it had been saved.

I got their petition over the 30K Mark.  I pestered and pestered people, visitors actually at the Rollrights to sign it.

How did I hear about it being saved? From my friend's daughter.

I don't want a medal, an acknowledgement would have been nice, just a note saying it's been saved would have been good. Thanks for the offer of help.

Nada, nothing, zero.

Ce ma vie.

Bitter? me? Naw, not really. On to something else. I'm glad it's saved. 

Long Compton, sprawling through the Cotswold hills, getting longer by the moment.
A peaceful farming scene, to remind us it really isn't all bad, my ego isn't worth worrying about and when Curve Balls are caught it all comes right in the end.

These photos are from last year BTW!  I am not an idiot!

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