Monday 5 November 2018

Fifteen minutes of fame - then fish and chip covering!

Yes we are in the Oxford Mail this Tuesday and the Witney Gazette on Wednesday - I'm not sure what they are going to say about us - but all publicity is Good Publicity isn't it?

The Ashmolean Museum has Guy Fawkes' original lantern, kept because it may have been worth something one day - by one of his captors.
Image result for guy fawkes lantern ashmolean
So even in the past the thought of money from a historical event was motivation to preserve it.

My book I hope will shed some light on the 17th Century and the interview may shed some light on me. Watch this space.

I've never been much for celebrating a Catholic being torn apart and mutilated - or anyone else for that matter. But it brings Guy Fawkes back to life for one day a year, so I suppose at least he's not lost to history.

Remember, remember the fifth of November, Gunpowder treason and plot. We see no reason. Why gunpowder treason. Should ever be forgot! 

Happy Firework Night everybody.

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