Monday 3 April 2017

It's been a bit of a Parson's egg - good in parts!

Spent last week getting ready for the King's Guard Big Bash, training for the coming Sealed Knot season and a big banquet party afterwards with authentic music from a live band - which I love.

I made a dress for the event in two and a half days.It would have been sooner but for the cat incident, apparently a half sewn silk banquet dress is a lovely nest for a soaking wet muddy cat straight out of the garden!  Obviously being a cat, he had to break into the room it was in, to get it ruined, where's the fun in sitting on a nice warm cat bed in the lounge?

I washed it, it being silk it shredded to pieces, so I had to re-make it. The silk fell apart under the sewing machine's needle, so I hand sewed the difficult bits. Five hours on the Friday to get it done. Once I start something I have to finish it. I'm a bit OCD in that respect.

Happy, I was almost finished, just the tabs and ribbons to put on - so I stopped at midnight aiming to finish it when I got to the caravan site.

Woke up with fingers like fat sausages! Okay, I overdid the hand sewing.  I was going to be sleeping in a spring field in my caravan, so I took my new antihistamine.  My ankles had swollen up like little balloons - great - only I, could have an allergic re-action to an anti-histamine.

I had spent part of the time making Kofta meatballs for the party. They shrank to tiny little ball shapes. I was beginning to think I was having an Alice in Wonderland moment, with things shrinking and growing all over the place.  Apparently they tasted good, my husband ate three!  Before we set off for the party I realised that ten tiny Koftas were not enough of a contribution to the party, so went to my local butchers and bought 10 large sausage rolls that he'd made that morning and cut them in half to make 20 medium sausage rolls. Growing and shrinking again!

We got to the training in good time, but I couldn't do musket training as my ankles hurt too much. So I sat with my feet up finishing my sewing, while hubby went for drill.  His musket wouldn't fire - there was a fault with the mechanism, so he had to give his gunpowder back.

The party was a big success, I squeezed my big banana feet into my dancing latchets, put on my newly made dress, put the sausage rolls and koftas in the fridge and it was all fine.
I took half a pint of Bailey's Irish Cream in an authentic mug, thinking I'm going to hurt tomorrow, lets make it worthwhile!
Image may contain: 3 people, people standingOn the left is my friend Jenni and I'm on the right in my newly finished dress clutching an authentic mug of Baileys.

Life was fine, we were having fun, got the caravan back into storage, and were just setting off for home when the power steering on the car went!

So it was an up and down weekend, but parts of it were lovely!

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