Monday 15 October 2018

Another Nuova Stella day

Our Logo is based on a 17th Century compass. A new star showing us the way. 
In the last two weeks our little company has gone from success to success, it's exciting and scary in equal measure - it's all happening so fast. 

Today the bookmarks arrived - looking spectacular - I might add. Just waiting for the books to arrive from the printers now.  This coming weekend our "Farthing for Oxforde" will be in the bookshops. Out on Amazon as an and paperback later in the week.
 Anne, Lady Halkett (née Murray) (1623–1699
This is a waxwork of the real "Anne Farthing" - Lady Anne Halkett in her 80s just before she died in Scotland. Sitting at her desk at The Abbot House, Dunfermline in Fife. Unforunately she sits alone waiting for the house to re-open as a museum. Whereas our version of Anne made it back to Oxford.
The book is based on some of Anne's life, and some lives of other women who wrote letters,day books and diaries as they lived through the war.  

This is my take on what Anne Farthing looked like in her late twenties. Like many of the women I write about, there is no portrait of them that I could find.


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