Tuesday 23 October 2018

The first bite is with the eye...

This is my book, wrapped in parchment, tied with red ribbon, and sealed with sealing wax.
Sent to the Guardian newspaper for review, in the hope that a little 17thC magic will grab their attention.

Edgehill weekend re-enactment. Another chance to honour the 2000 young men and women who died fighting for their beliefs. Yes there were old soldiers as well, but the majority of the men who died in the first battle of the English Civil War were young.

As the Kings Guard of the 21st Century regiment form up to go on the battlefield the cross section of men and women would have been pretty much the same. Computer analysts now would have been statisticians or librarians then. Car salesmen would have been coachmen or horse dealers.
Young mothers would have picked up their husbands army coats and become soldiers or drummers to feed their family. Whereas now they have their own careers.

Computer games artists would have been court painters, illustrators, print makers.
Same but different.

Nothing much seems to change over time, we still fight on different sides for what we believe in. We don't seem to learn that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Book release tomorrow A Farthing for Oxforde hits the shops in Oxford and the surrounds and is out on Amazon.

Hope you enjoy your adventures with Anne Farthing through the English Civil War.

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