Saturday 21 May 2016

I'm in the Amazon bestseller ranks!

Quite excited today, I've found out I'm in the Amazon bestseller ranking. See below:-
 Wow! I am 17,109 out of 6 million books on Amazon!   After pushing the book for so long and having a sale (reduced price of £6.99 for the book and £4.99 for kindle in the UK, my book is also discounted across the world on your local Amazon websites.)

Thank you everyone who has bought the book, and everyone who will buy the book. I hope you enjoy it.
So, I'm not an Amazon millionaire yet, but I don't care. My book is out there and selling, and that's what it's all about.

I'm sure that every women of the English Civil War, who was not rewarded for her service to the King or Parliament, and who protected her home and village, are cheering wherever they may be.  Recognised at last for their contribution to the history of this country.

Thank you thank you - bows out!!

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