Thursday 26 May 2016

Just a quickie!

Well, I couldn't leave my boasting page up for ever!  Just been so busy. My poor cat Ted has had lots of his teeth out, so is miserable and blames me. As well he should, I'm the one with the opposable thumbs that can hold a toothbrush.
Poor creature now has poultry flavoured toothpaste. Yummy.

The Nationwide Bank replied to my long list of complaints by starting with "We understand  that.." then listing my long list of complaints exactly as I had put them on my letter. They also enclosed a nice leaflet on how to get in touch with the Banking Ombudsman.

Shopping in Sainsburys was mayhem, everyone stocking up for the Bank Holiday weekend.

Following the guru Bill Bryson, who ended his book Little Dribbling (a comment on his age, I suppose. I won't ask what's been dribbling,) I'm going to list 15 things I really like about this country.

1.Cornwall, especially the far west and it's beautiful sea views.
2. Lyme Regis and the Cob, and Jane Austen's Persuasion.
3. Bath and the Minerva Bath Spa
5.The Sealed Knot
6. Steam Punk
Blimey is that the time? I've really got to run - do the rest later!

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